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Ready to Trade Your Uber for an Electric Helicopter?

Uber hopes you’ll fly with them starting in 2023.

If you love summoning your ride share automobile at the push of a button, how about requesting a helicopter? To be more specific, an electric helicopter. That’s exactly what San Francisco-based Uber is betting on with uberAir, scheduled to begin demonstrations in Los Angeles and Dallas in 2020 with a commercial launch in 2023.

According to KPCC, “Uber had signed Karem Aircraft to develop an EVTOL, or electric vertical takeoff and landing vehicle. Karem Aircraft, which developed the Predator drone, will make a new rider-friendly adaptation called Butterfly.

“Uber says EVTOLs will be quieter, safer, more affordable and more environmentally friendly than helicopters.”

Read more about Uber’s aerial adventures here.

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